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Meet Robert Haworth, one of our newer Plumber Support Managers (PSMs) who comes with experience in the plumbing, marketing and business worlds. He grew up in Ohio, then moved to Arizona as a teenager. He’s stayed in Arizona for 40 years and counting, although he’s worked in Florida and Alabama for a few years as well.
He’s a proud husband, father to six and grandfather to six. When he’s not tending to his children and grandchildren,
Plumbers may not always be in the spotlight, but they are at Rheem. This week is National Apprenticeship Week, so we are sharing stories from our Plumber Support Team. These plumbers are currently on our team helping other plumbers in their region grow their businesses. Mentors can impact the career and lives of their apprentices and clearly there are stories to be told.
Brad Davis
I have been in the industry since 1984 (13 years old) when I started working in the HVAC warehouse for my dad: cleaning the warehouse,
Here at Rheem®, we’re constantly seeking out plumbers who make us better. That means keeping the dialogue ongoing and listening, then acting. That’s why we have a team of plumbers who are our Plumber Support Managers. With their help, we can continue to expand Rheem’s plumber perspective and make sure every move Rheem makes has the plumber in mind.
Get to Know Tim
Tim is a new Plumber Support Manager from Kentucky who has dedicated almost his entire life to plumbing.
We often stand back in awe of all we learn from Tom McConahay. Having his perspective keeps us on the right track to focusing on how we can best support plumbers. With his extensive first-hand experience as a plumber in the field, our company is fortunate to have his knowledge with us every step of the way.
Here’s more about Tom from his perspective.
Short Bio
I started plumbing in October of 1993.
I am a proud Northeasterner born in Dedham, Massachusetts, and I went to Catholic Memorial High School in Boston followed by four years of trade school at Newton North Tech. I am a middle child with six siblings who was raised in a two-bedroom farm home built in 1843 that played a significant role in the history of the town and the nation. I enjoy all outdoor activities all four seasons of the year. I ran a successful plumbing business for 27 years.
I am a Plumber Support Manager for Rheem WHD responsible for the SE region. I was born and raised in Dallas TX. My father owned and operated a plumbing business and that is where I got introduced to the trade. Every summer, school holidays and a lot of weekends starting in junior high school, I would tag along with my dad to “the shop.” That is how I got my start. I worked in that business until the early 2000’s,
I am the Southwest Plumber Support Manager for Rheem®. I am a master plumber licensed in the great state of Texas! I was formerly the training manager for a Plumbing & Air company in Houston, Texas. I worked with my last employer for 14½ years. I started at the bottom. I began as an apprentice and worked up to being a licensed plumber. Then, I became a supervisor and finally a manager. I came to plumbing as a second career due to changes in the world economy.
I grew up in Bucks County, PA and attended Middle Bucks area VoTech in high school for Plumbing. I worked in commercial air conditioning then residential and commercial plumbing earning my Philadelphia Journeyman’s license at age 22. I moved to New Jersey in 1992. I got my NJ Master Plumber license and started my business in 1995. I enjoyed owning my own business in NJ for 25 years.
Q: Why did you get into plumbing?
I am Rob Widowski, Plumber Support Manager & Master Plumber for Rheem® in the Midwest Region and Houston, TX. I was the Owner/Operator of Widowski Master Plumbers and R&B Master Plumbers, LLC. Our motto was “The Exceptional Plumbers.” We were a full-service plumbing contractor doing both residential and commercial, specializing in all things plumbing. I currently reside in Greenfield, WI with my lovely wife, Crystal, and my two amazing daughters, Alyssa and Mia.
My focus has always been to train guys up to become exceptional plumbers.
I grew up on the Virginia/North Carolina border. As a teenager and young adult, I frequently took advantage of surfing the waves of our local beaches in both Virginia and NE North Carolina aka “The Outer Banks.”
Now, I am the Rheem® Plumber Support Manager for North Carolina and South Carolina.
Q: Why did you get into plumbing?
A: I decided early on in high school that college was not the route I wanted to pursue.
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