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Our energy-efficient products have an added benefit besides reducing energy costs and saving the environment. There are many incentives such as tax credits and rebates out there. They will save you money, time and stress. It will also help you decide which water heater to purchase when you’re ready for a new one.
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) is a series of home energy programs featuring efficiency and electrification tax credits and rebates. Beginning 2023, the expanded version of 25C, now called the Energy Efficient Home Improvement Tax Credit (under the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022), will provide up to $2,000 in tax credits for qualified high efficiency water heaters as well as credits for electrical upgrades. More details are on our water heating incentives page.
Our comprehensive suite of Rheem® high-efficiency products empowers you to drive a more sustainable future with zero tradeoffs in value and comfort. Our water heaters are designed to improve your home’s efficiency, achieve certifications such as ENERGY STAR® and qualify for tax credits and local rebates. We’ve gathered resources for you so you can search for the incentives that may apply to you.
Check back often since there are always new offerings on our water heater incentives page, and we’ll share updates to the federal and state programs.
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