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Going tankless is a great way to enjoy the comfort of continuous hot water. Now, you can also enjoy enhanced convenience and control with our newly designed condensing tankless water heaters. The new Rheem® RTGH Series Super High Efficiency Condensing units are ideal for tankless replacements and are available with built-in Wi-Fi and LeakGuard™ Leak Detection and Prevention.
New features like the integrated digital display and built-in Wi-Fi give you a new level of protection, comfort and peace of mind. Don’t forget to download the EcoNet® app on your smart phone and connect to your built-in Wi-Fi water heater. The app not only allows you to set controls like temperature and vacation mode, it also sends you important notifications, including service reminders and leak detection alerts.
Our LeakGuard™ integrated leak detection and prevention system (available on indoor Wi-Fi models) protects your home from water damage by detecting any internal leak – large or small.1 The factory-installed LeakSense™ leak detection rope on RTGH Tankless units is connected to the internal Printed Circuit Board (PCB) and integrated digital display via a harness. If the rope detects an internal leak, the harness notifies the PCB, which then sends an alert to the digital display and EcoNet app. At the same time, the PCB automatically shuts off the stepper motor on the inlet valve, preventing any additional water from entering the unit. This feature is not available on outdoor models due to potential false leak detection.
Thanks to LeakGuard and RTGH’s smart technology, you can have peace of mind knowing your home is protected from water damage. Plus, you may qualify for discounts on your homeowner insurance for even more savings. Don’t wait until you’ve experienced a problem to upgrade to a smart, high efficiency solution.
Annual professional maintenance is recommended for your water heater to maintain a comfortable home. Find a professional Rheem plumber or contractor near you:
1 Water leaks from the heater only, as tested across scenarios including a minimum of 5.5mL/min volume leak rate, using most common installation scenarios.
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