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Rheem® is dedicated to designing for efficiency and helping you maintain a comfortable home. We have a history of partnering with the U.S. EPA’s ENERGY STAR program to help you save energy, save money and be more environmentally conscious with our selection of ENERGY STAR certified heating products. Now with the Inflation Reduction Act, you have more opportunities than ever to choose high efficiency solutions and get rewarded. As we celebrate ENERGY STAR Day, we would like to share resources to help you save energy in your home.
“ENERGY STAR Day is about bringing the benefits of energy efficiency to all Americans,” says Jill Vohr, Director of Consumer Marketing U.S. EPA’s ENERGY STAR Labeling Branch. “We value the commitment of partners like Rheem in making efficient-electric products like ENERGY STAR certified heat pump water heaters more accessible and affordable to everyone.”
We can help you make smart decisions to live more comfortably. Our selection of high-efficiency water heaters qualifies for ENERGY STAR 5.0 certification, federal and local incentive programs and residential 25C tax credits. Choosing efficient electric products also empowers you to drive a more sustainable future that is cleaner and healthier for all. Together with ENERGY STAR, we’re here to provide ways you can save today, save tomorrow and save for good with energy-saving products and home upgrades.
Annual professional maintenance is recommended for your water heater to maintain a comfortable home. Find a professional Rheem plumber or contractor near you:
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in environmental improvements.
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