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Phase Out Information – Effective February 26, 2024
Rheem® is excited to announce the indoor RTG Series High Efficiency Non-Condensing Tankless Gas Water Heaters are now available through wholesale channels. The new RTG Series will replace the RTG-1 Mid-Efficiency Non-Condensing Tankless Gas Water Heaters. With the same proven performance both plumbers and homeowners have come to trust, this enhanced tankless line offers a new modern design.
Effective February 26, 2024, we are no longer accepting orders on indoor RTG-1 Natural Gas Water Heaters. Open orders will all be fulfilled with remaining inventory. Outdoor RTG-1 models are still available for order.
Impacted models include:
Please see the table below for model conversion.
Learn more at: and access RTG product features, spec sheets, brochure and gallery.
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